Stages of pregnancy : week by week
The stages of pregnancy begin when the egg is fertilized by the sperm and implants in the woman’s womb. A pregnant woman experiences a series of different changes during each of them.
Many of the symptoms that occur during these stages and the changes that women face are common in healthy pregnancies. The development of the embryo and fetus follow a certain pattern.
It is common to have doubts about what happens at each stage of pregnancy , as it can be confusing or even mysterious. If you are a pregnant woman or someone very close to you is and you are curious, you can stay and read the rest of the article.
What happens in the first stage of pregnancy?
Before we begin to explain what happens in the early stages of pregnancy , we must know that pregnancies are divided into trimesters . Each trimester lasts approximately 13 weeks.
It is only in the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle that a woman has her period. Two weeks after this, the egg matures and is released by the ovary, this process is known as ” ovulation ” , which can happen earlier or later, depending on how long the woman’s menstrual cycle lasts. It usually lasts 28 days. You can check out our Fertile Days Calculator.
Once the egg has been released, it moves through the uterus, traveling through one of the fallopian tubes. (See female reproductive system ).
In the third and fourth weeks, the fertilized egg travels to the uterus , where it nests there 3 to 4 days after having joined with the sperm and divides into many cells. The dividing cells join together to form a gestational sac that lives freely in the woman’s womb for about 3 days.
A pregnancy begins when the gestational sac attaches to the uterus; this part of the process is known as implantation . It usually begins 6 days after fertilization and takes 4 days to complete.
What are the symptoms of pregnancy ?
- Missed menstrual period
- Positive pregnancy test, this can be done in urine or blood.
- Some women may experience nausea, nausea, fatigue, etc.
- Some people do not have all the symptoms of pregnancy, but some of them are essential to know that we are pregnant.
Do you want to check out our blog? We have more about pregnancy stages , nutrition, etc.

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